man uses craigslist for bank robbery getaway

Let me very clear about this. This is NOT the way to make money using Craigslist. View the original story here. "A very talented thief robbed an armored truck outside a Bank of America branch in Monroe, Washington, by hiring decoys through Craigslist to deter authorities. On Wednesday, a man posted job listings on Craigslist to hire men for a construction site, when in reality they were being used as decoys for a robber's getaway. An unidentified robber walked up to an open armored truck outside of a Bank of America and used pepper spray to disable the guard. The robber then grabbed a bag of money, ran on foot to a nearby creek, and used an inflatable tube to make his getaway. The robber, dressed in construction clothes and a dust mask, removed his clothes while on foot and used the unsuspecting construction workers as decoys to assist in his getaway. Just like in the movies! Meanwhile, at least a dozen male workers hired through Craigslist were converging on the Bank of America branch in the belief they were meeting with a contractor at 11:00am in order to carry out routine road maintenance in the area. They had been asked to wear the same clothes as the robber, a yellow vest and blue shirt, and also carrying safety


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