Function of automatic sliding door opener

As manufacturers continue to improve the sliding door openers, many different types of sliding door openers have gradually appeared in our eyes. Let's talk about the functions and compatibility of the sliding door openers.

1. Function

With the improvement of residential intelligence and safety requirements, when choosing a sliding door opener, you must consider expanding the function. For example, whether the sliding door is convenient to use inductive access control and card reader to control, to restrict the entry of people without a card; whether the remote control device of the door opener can be easily compatible with other remote control equipment to realize multi-door joint control, etc. Some automatic door operators have this kind of function, which is easy to install, but some door operators do not have this function, and they must be equipped with many devices to install, thus leading to unnecessary expenses.

2. Compatibility

Judging from the materials used in many places in the country, cast iron, forged steel, aluminum alloy, plastic steel, wood, etc. are commonly used. The opener material and material specifications of the courtyard sliding door determine the rigidity of the door body, and this is also one of the factors that affect the selection of the courtyard door opener. If the rigidity of the courtyard door body is weak, it is not suitable to choose the push rod type, the crank type, the pull rod type side opener. In addition, it also depends on whether the installation conditions are appropriate and whether the installation is easy.


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